`username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`phone` varchar(255) NOT NULL
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
import re
from mysql import *
# 验证正则
num = re.compile(r'[0-9]')
Special_cha = re.compile(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z]')
phone_num = re.compile(r'(13[0-9]|14[01456879]|15[0-35-9]|16[2567]|17[0-8]|18[0-9]|19[0-35-9])\d{8}')
# 用户名验证函数
def username_fun(username_f):
if num.match(username_f) is None and Special_cha.search(username_f) is None and 5 <= len(username_f) <= 12:
return False
return True
# 密码验证函数
def passwd_fun(passwd_f):
if Special_cha.search(passwd_f) is None and 6 <= len(passwd_f) <= 15:
return False
return True
# 第二次密码验证函数
def password_fun(password_f, passwd_f):
if password_f == passwd_f:
return False
return True
# 手机号验证函数
def phone_number_fun(phone_number_f):
if phone_num.search(phone_number_f) is not None:
return False
return True
# 注册函数
def register_fun():
username = register_username_b.get()
passwd = register_pass_b.get()
password = register_password_b.get()
phone_number = register_phone_b.get()
if username_fun(username):
messagebox.showerror("注册失败", "用户名格式错误,请重试。")
return False
if passwd_fun(passwd):
messagebox.showerror("注册失败", "密码格式错误,请重试。")
return False
if password_fun(passwd, password):
messagebox.showerror("注册失败", "两次密码不一致,请重试。")
return False
if phone_number_fun(phone_number):
messagebox.showerror("注册失败", "手机号格式错误,请重试。")
return False
dict_register = {"username": username, "password": passwd, "phone": phone_number}
arg = find(username, phone_number)
if arg[0] is not None:
messagebox.showerror("注册失败", "用户名已存在,请重试。")
return False
elif arg[1] is not None:
sel = tk.messagebox.askyesno(title='注册失败', message='电话号码已存在,是否尝试登录?')
if sel:
return None
return False
elif arg[0] is None and arg[1] is None:
messagebox.showinfo("注册成功", "欢迎," + username + "!请登录。")
return None
# 登录函数
def login_fun():
username = login_username_b.get()
passwd = login_pass_b.get()
if username_fun(username):
messagebox.showerror("登录失败", "用户名格式错误,请重试。")
return False
arg = find(username, "?")
if arg[0] is None:
messagebox.showerror("登录失败", "用户不存在,请重试。")
return None
dictionary = list(arg[0])
if arg[0] is not None and dictionary[2] != passwd:
messagebox.showerror("登录失败", "密码错误,请重试。")
return None
elif arg[0] is not None and dictionary[2] == passwd:
messagebox.showinfo("登录成功", "欢迎," + username + "!")
login_data(dictionary, 0)
return None
# 登录传入数据函数
def login_data(info, serial):
global overall_situation
if serial == 0:
overall_situation = info
menu_tite.set("欢迎," + info[1] + "使用本系统~~~")
return None
elif serial == 1:
overall_situation = []
return None
# 更改密码函数
def change_password():
passwd = pass_button.get()
new_passwd = pass_b.get()
new_password = password_b.get()
if passwd != overall_situation[2]:
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "原密码错误,请重试。")
return False
if overall_situation[2] == new_password:
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "新密码和原密码相同,请重试。")
return False
if passwd_fun(new_passwd):
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "新密码不符合要求,请重试。")
return False
if password_fun(new_passwd, new_password):
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "两次密码不一致,请重试。")
return False
new_data = {'password': new_passwd, 'id': overall_situation[0]}
alter(new_data, 1)
messagebox.showinfo("更改成功", "密码更改成功,请重新登录。")
login_data(1, 1)
return True
# 更改用户名函数
def change_user():
global overall_situation
new_user = user_button.get()
if username_fun(new_user):
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "用户名格式错误,请重试。")
return False
if new_user == overall_situation[1]:
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "用户名未更改。")
return False
age = find(new_user, '?')
if age[0] is not None:
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "用户名已存在,请重试。")
return False
new_data = {'username': new_user, 'id': overall_situation[0]}
alter(new_data, 0)
messagebox.showinfo("更改成功", "用户名更改成功。")
overall = find(new_user, '?')
overall_situation = overall[0]
menu_tite.set("欢迎," + new_user + "使用本系统~~~")
return None
# 注销账号函数
def sign_out():
global overall_situation
sel = tk.messagebox.askyesno(title='系统提示', message='确认注销账号?')
if sel:
overall_situation = []
messagebox.showinfo("系统提示", "注销成功!")
return None
return None
# 更改电话号码
def change_phone():
global overall_situation
new_phone = phone_new.get()
if phone_number_fun(new_phone):
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "电话号码格式错误,请重试。")
return False
if overall_situation[3] == new_phone:
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "新密码和原密码相同,请重试。")
return False
age = find('?', new_phone)
if age[1] is not None:
messagebox.showerror("更改失败", "电话号码已存在,请重试。")
return False
new_data = {'phone': new_phone, 'id': overall_situation[0]}
alter(new_data, 2)
overall_situation[3] = new_phone
messagebox.showinfo("更改成功", "电话号码更改成功。")
return None
# 更改电话标题显示
def tite_phone(info):
new_info = info[:3] + '****' + info[7:]
def reset_ui():
register_username_b.delete(0, tk.END)
register_pass_b.delete(0, tk.END)
register_password_b.delete(0, tk.END)
register_phone_b.delete(0, tk.END)
login_username_b.delete(0, tk.END)
login_pass_b.delete(0, tk.END)
pass_button.delete(0, tk.END)
pass_b.delete(0, tk.END)
password_b.delete(0, tk.END)
user_button.delete(0, tk.END)
phone_new.delete(0, tk.END)
# 关闭程序
def close_fun():
sel = tk.messagebox.askyesno(title='系统提示', message='是否要退出系统?')
if sel:
return None
# 创建主窗口
window = tk.Tk()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
window.resizable(0, 0)
# 创建Frame容器
frame_home = tk.Frame(window, width=710, height=540)
frame_register = tk.Frame(window, width=710, height=540)
frame_login = tk.Frame(window, width=710, height=540)
frame_menu = tk.Frame(window, width=710, height=540)
frame_pass = tk.Frame(window, width=710, height=540)
frame_user = tk.Frame(window, width=710, height=540)
frame_phone = tk.Frame(window, width=710, height=540)
# frame_phone.pack()
# 切换
frame_home.place(width=710, height=540, x=0)
frame_register.place(width=710, height=540, x=710)
frame_login.place(width=710, height=540, x=710)
frame_menu.place(width=710, height=540, x=710)
frame_pass.place(width=710, height=540, x=710)
frame_user.place(width=710, height=540, x=710)
frame_phone.place(width=710, height=540, x=710)
overall_situation = {}
menu_tite = tk.StringVar()
phone_tite = tk.StringVar()
def func(n):
frames = [frame_home, frame_register, frame_login, frame_menu, frame_pass, frame_user, frame_phone]
frames[n - 1].place(width=710, height=540, x=0)
frames.pop(n - 1)
for i in frames:
i.place(width=710, height=540, x=710)
# <--首页开始-->
# 首页-标题
tk.Label(frame_home, text="欢迎使用本系统~~~", font=("华文仿宋", 18)).place(x=1, y=10, width=250, height=30)
# 首页-登录按钮
button_login = tk.Button(frame_home, text="登录", font=("华文仿宋", 18), command=lambda: func(3))
button_login.place(x=20, y=100, width=670, height=100)
# 首页-注册按钮
button_register = tk.Button(frame_home, text="注册", font=("华文仿宋", 18), command=lambda: func(2))
button_register.place(x=20, y=220, width=670, height=100)
# 首页-退出程序按钮
button_quit = tk.Button(frame_home, text="退出程序", font=("华文仿宋", 18), command=close_fun)
button_quit.place(x=20, y=340, width=670, height=100)
# <--首页结束-->
# <--注册开始-->
# 注册-标题
tk.Label(frame_register, text="注册", font=("华文仿宋", 30)).place(x=0, y=50, width=710, height=35)
# 注册-返回按钮
register_button = tk.Button(frame_register, text="< 返回", font=("华文仿宋", 16), command=lambda: func(1))
register_button.place(x=30, y=20, width=80, height=40)
# 注册-用户名
tk.Label(frame_register, text="用户名:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=50, y=150, width=100, height=30)
register_username_b = tk.Entry(frame_register, font=("华文仿宋", 14))
register_username_b.place(x=160, y=150, width=250, height=30)
tk.Label(frame_register, text="字母数字组合且不能以数字开头,长度为5-12位", font=("等线", 10)).place(x=410, y=150, width=300, height=30)
# 注册-密码
tk.Label(frame_register, text="密码:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=59, y=200, width=100, height=30)
register_pass_b = tk.Entry(frame_register, font=("华文仿宋", 14), show="*")
register_pass_b.place(x=160, y=200, width=250, height=30)
tk.Label(frame_register, text="字母数字组合,且长度为6-15位", font=("等线", 10)).place(x=410, y=200, width=210, height=30)
tk.Label(frame_register, text="确认密码:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=40, y=250, width=100, height=30)
register_password_b = tk.Entry(frame_register, font=("华文仿宋", 14), show="*")
register_password_b.place(x=160, y=250, width=250, height=30)
# 注册-手机号
tk.Label(frame_register, text="手机号:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=50, y=300, width=100, height=30)
register_phone_b = tk.Entry(frame_register, font=("华文仿宋", 14))
register_phone_b.place(x=160, y=300, width=250, height=30)
# 注册-提交按钮
register_submit_b = tk.Button(frame_register, text="注册", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=register_fun)
register_submit_b.place(x=190, y=380, width=120, height=40)
# 注册-重置按钮
register_reset_b = tk.Button(frame_register, text="重置", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=reset_ui)
register_reset_b.place(x=320, y=380, width=120, height=40)
# <--注册结束-->
# <--登录开始-->
# 登录-标题
tk.Label(frame_login, text="登录", font=("华文仿宋", 30)).place(x=0, y=50, width=710, height=35)
# 登录-返回按钮
register_button = tk.Button(frame_login, text="< 返回", font=("华文仿宋", 16), command=lambda: func(1))
register_button.place(x=30, y=20, width=80, height=40)
# 登录-用户名
tk.Label(frame_login, text="用户名:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=150, y=150, width=100, height=30)
login_username_b = tk.Entry(frame_login, font=("华文仿宋", 14))
login_username_b.place(x=260, y=150, width=250, height=30)
# 登录-密码
tk.Label(frame_login, text="密码:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=159, y=200, width=100, height=30)
login_pass_b = tk.Entry(frame_login, font=("华文仿宋", 14), show="*")
login_pass_b.place(x=260, y=200, width=250, height=30)
# 登录-提交按钮
login_submit_b = tk.Button(frame_login, text="登录", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=login_fun)
login_submit_b.place(x=260, y=300, width=120, height=40)
# 登录-重置按钮
login_reset_b = tk.Button(frame_login, text="重置", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=reset_ui)
login_reset_b.place(x=390, y=300, width=120, height=40)
# <--登录结束-->
# <--登录菜单-->
# 标题
menu_label = tk.Label(frame_menu, textvariable=menu_tite, font=("华文仿宋", 18))
menu_label.place(x=10, y=10, height=30)
# 选项
menu_button_alter = tk.Button(frame_menu, text="更改用户名", font=("华文仿宋", 18), command=lambda: func(6))
menu_button_alter.place(x=20, y=60, width=670, height=86)
menu_button_phone = tk.Button(frame_menu, text="更改电话号码", font=("华文仿宋", 18), command=lambda: func(7))
menu_button_phone.place(x=20, y=156, width=670, height=86)
menu_button_user = tk.Button(frame_menu, text="更改密码", font=("华文仿宋", 18), command=lambda: func(5))
menu_button_user.place(x=20, y=252, width=670, height=86)
menu_button_quit = tk.Button(frame_menu, text="退出登录", font=("华文仿宋", 18), command=lambda: login_data(1, 1))
menu_button_quit.place(x=20, y=348, width=670, height=86)
menu_button_out = tk.Button(frame_menu, text="注销账号", font=("华文仿宋", 18), command=sign_out)
menu_button_out.place(x=20, y=444, width=670, height=86)
# <--登录菜单结束-->
# <--更改密码开始-->
# 标题
tk.Label(frame_pass, text="更改密码", font=("华文仿宋", 30)).place(x=0, y=50, width=710, height=35)
# 返回按钮
pass_quit = tk.Button(frame_pass, text="< 返回", font=("华文仿宋", 16), command=lambda: func(4))
pass_quit.place(x=30, y=20, width=80, height=40)
# 原密码
tk.Label(frame_pass, text="原密码:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=50, y=150, width=100, height=30)
pass_button = tk.Entry(frame_pass, font=("华文仿宋", 14), show="*")
pass_button.place(x=160, y=150, width=250, height=30)
# 新密码
tk.Label(frame_pass, text="密码:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=59, y=200, width=100, height=30)
pass_b = tk.Entry(frame_pass, font=("华文仿宋", 14), show="*")
pass_b.place(x=160, y=200, width=250, height=30)
tk.Label(frame_pass, text="字母数字组合,且长度为6-15位", font=("等线", 10)).place(x=410, y=200, width=210, height=30)
tk.Label(frame_pass, text="确认密码:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=40, y=250, width=100, height=30)
password_b = tk.Entry(frame_pass, font=("华文仿宋", 14), show="*")
password_b.place(x=160, y=250, width=250, height=30)
# 提交按钮
pass_submit_b = tk.Button(frame_pass, text="更改", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=change_password)
pass_submit_b.place(x=190, y=300, width=120, height=40)
# 重置按钮
pass_reset_b = tk.Button(frame_pass, text="重置", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=reset_ui)
pass_reset_b.place(x=320, y=300, width=120, height=40)
# <--更改密码结束-->
# <--修改用户名开始-->
# 标题
tk.Label(frame_user, text="更改用户名", font=("华文仿宋", 30)).place(x=0, y=50, width=710, height=35)
# 返回按钮
user_quit = tk.Button(frame_user, text="< 返回", font=("华文仿宋", 16), command=lambda: func(4))
user_quit.place(x=30, y=20, width=80, height=40)
# 新用户名
tk.Label(frame_user, text="新用户名:", font=("华文仿宋", 14)).place(x=50, y=150, width=100, height=30)
user_button = tk.Entry(frame_user, font=("华文仿宋", 14))
user_button.place(x=160, y=150, width=250, height=30)
tk.Label(frame_user, text="字母数字组合且不能以数字开头,长度为5-12位", font=("等线", 10)).place(x=410, y=150, width=300, height=30)
# 提交按钮
user_submit_b = tk.Button(frame_user, text="更改", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=change_user)
user_submit_b.place(x=190, y=300, width=120, height=40)
# 重置按钮
user_reset_b = tk.Button(frame_user, text="重置", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=reset_ui)
user_reset_b.place(x=400, y=300, width=120, height=40)
# <--修改用户名结束-->
# <--修改密码开始-->
# 标题
tk.Label(frame_phone, text="更改电话号码", font=("华文仿宋", 30)).place(x=0, y=50, width=710, height=35)
# 返回按钮
phone_quit = tk.Button(frame_phone, text="< 返回", font=("华文仿宋", 16), command=lambda: func(4))
phone_quit.place(x=30, y=20, width=80, height=40)
# 提示
tk.Label(frame_phone, text="原电话号码为:", font=("华文仿宋", 15)).place(x=100, y=140, width=130, height=30)
phone_tips = tk.Label(frame_phone, textvariable=phone_tite, font=("华文仿宋", 16))
phone_tips.place(x=230, y=140, width=210, height=30)
# 新电话
tk.Label(frame_phone, text="新电话号码为:", font=("华文仿宋", 15)).place(x=100, y=210, width=130, height=30)
phone_new = tk.Entry(frame_phone, font=("华文仿宋", 15))
phone_new.place(x=250, y=210, width=250, height=30)
# 提交按钮
phone_submit_b = tk.Button(frame_phone, text="更改", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=change_phone)
phone_submit_b.place(x=230, y=310, width=120, height=40)
# 重置按钮
phone_reset_b = tk.Button(frame_phone, text="重置", font=("华文仿宋", 15), command=reset_ui)
phone_reset_b.place(x=400, y=310, width=120, height=40)
# <--修改密码结束-->
这个模块,Python默认没有安装,可以在命令窗口运行pip命令进行安装pip install pymysql
import pymysql
# 数据库连接配置
config = {
"host": "", # 数据库地址
"port": 3306, # 数据库端口
"user": "python", # 数据库用户名
"password": "123456", # 数据库密码
"database": "test" # 数据库名
db = pymysql.connect(**config)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()")
data = cursor.fetchone()
print("Database version : %s " % data)
# 增加
def add(datas):
sql = "INSERT INTO info(username,password,phone) VALUES (%(username)s,%(password)s,%(phone)s)"
cursor.execute(sql, datas)
return True
# 查找
def find(username, phone):
sql_1 = "SELECT * FROM info WHERE BINARY username=%s"
cursor.execute(sql_1, username)
str1 = cursor.fetchone()
sql_2 = "SELECT * FROM info WHERE phone=%s"
cursor.execute(sql_2, phone)
str2 = cursor.fetchone()
return str1, str2
# 更改
def alter(datas, num):
if num == 0:
sql_1 = "UPDATE info SET username=%(username)s WHERE id=%(id)s"
cursor.execute(sql_1, datas)
return True
elif num == 1:
sql_2 = "UPDATE info SET password=%(password)s WHERE id=%(id)s"
cursor.execute(sql_2, datas)
return True
elif num == 2:
sql_3 = "UPDATE info SET phone=%(phone)s WHERE id=%(id)s"
cursor.execute(sql_3, datas)
return True
# 删除
def delete(datas):
sql = "DELETE FROM info WHERE id=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, datas)
return True